Doug Bayliss


I accepted an offer for early retirement in 2019. Within 10 months, literally on the eve of Pennsylvania closing businesses due to COVID-19, my wife and I sold our beautiful…
Bayliss Technologies, Inc. formerly known as TREMA North America, Inc.

What Happened to Bayliss Technologies?

The story begins in 1989 when I forged a productive working relationship with Trema Verfahrenstechnik GmbH, a German company. I was awarded an amazing job and oversaw their inaugural installation of an air pollution control system in the United States.
The Best Night of Barbershop Quartets

The Best Night of Barbershop Quartets

Top Mid-Atlantic Quartet finalists and the International champs! Please enjoy this fantastic recording from 1991. Thank you to a dearly departed friend, Jules Blajej, for recording this awesome afterglow on…